This was amazing. I made my first book in an evening and had so much fun!

A happy a parent

Monotori - Create your own children's books

Use AI to help you supercharge your creativeness

How it works

Enough talking, lets look at how it works!

Lets look at some easy steps on how you could go about to create your first book.

  1. Setup your first project

    Learn how to create a new project and configure the design and setting for your book

  2. Use AI to help you write

    With the power of AI you can get help to write, get feedback and even enhance your story.

  3. Use AI to create your own illustrations

    You will be able to easily create amazing illustrations for your book with the power of AI. Of course you own 100% of the rights to use them wherever you want.

  4. Print your book

    Get high quality prints of your book. Either for yourself or to sell.

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Be one of the first people who can use Monotori. We look forward to see what you can create!

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Frequenlt asked questions

Monotori is a new concept

We understand that you have a lot of questions. A tool like this have not existed before and learning new things can be a daunting task!

Do I need any previous experience to use Monotori?

Absolutely not! Monotori is designed to be friendly to both new and experienced writers.

Do I own the right of the artwork?

Yes! All the images and that you create in Monotori is 100% own by you and you can chose to use it for whatever you want.